FDA: Packaging products containing BPA are safe for consumer use

May 1, 2008 at 12:53 pm

After recent news spread questioning the safety of plastics that containing the chemical Bisephenol A, or BPA, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has said it will review “current research and new information on BPA” for all products regulated by the agency, including bottled water.

Check this outfrom the FDA’s Web site:

We believe there is a large body of evidence that indicates that FDA-regulated products containing BPA currently on the market are safe and that exposure levels to BPA from food contact materials, including for infants and children, are below those that may cause health effects.   However, we will continue to consider new research and information as they become available.

The site above also includes what should be a relieving message to any consumer who had concerns about the media reports:

At this time, FDA is not recommending that anyone discontinue using products that contain BPA while we continue our risk assessment process. However, concerned consumers should know that several alternatives to polycarbonate baby bottles exist, including glass baby bottles.

Entry filed under: Choice.

Much ado about nothing Bottled water sales up in restaurants – and that’s a good thing

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